the question: are zebras black animals
with white stripes or white animals with black stripes?
has been answered by science.
now, when i look at a zebra, all i see
is a sad horse trying to be a tiger.
19 mimosas in
i started to understand exactly
what the little bird on my table
was trying to say.
i would tell you, but mimosa 20
put a stop to that nonsense.
these little red bugs have been fucking
all around the doorway to my apartment
they always show up when the seasons change
they are red and cute and they see me coming
with my spray can of poison
nobody gets laid until i get laid, i say softly.
Famous Quotes by Lady Chayce,
Drag Queen and Ex-Navy SEAL
#4: "I have been married four times
I married Plague, Pestilence, Famine, and Death.
~ Lady Chayce
The Ride
In another life
We are together
Holding each other
Like two love bugs
I look into your eyes
And promise this moment
Will last forever
We wait for our ride
A car is coming
I keep looking for evidence that everything
I see is some kind of artificially constructed
Alien video game. I keep looking for a flaw.
But flaws can not see themselves for what they are
So I guess I'll just go with it until somebody loses
double mimosas
overcast windy afternoon
maude's coffee shop
the known center of the universe
'do you think i'm a nasty girl'
playing on the radio
no spell check on the old
italian lettera 32 typer
just wine and blood
the breeze kicks up
a chair moves across the patio
like a scene in poltergeist
writing the poem, it seems,
on a roller-coaster
hands in the air, smiling, screaming
and for a moment
the sun breaks through
then the clouds, then the sun,
then the clouds
there is a big battle going on up there
a spectacle
one day i will wake up
in a hospital, cured of
you mean, i made it all up?
no, the doctor tells me,
the poem wrote you.
what happened to love, i ask?
he points skyward
the sun rages, the clouds storm
Fuck'n Weirdo
Tired of all the affectations, lubrications, social
niceties, I'm gonna' blow a load in Mrs. Manners' mouth
metaphorically speaking, of course, I'm not crude.
I don't want any guessing games, mysteries, unanswered
questions, assumptions, doubts, fantasies, or glances
that say everything and nothing.
I'm just going to push you down on a bed or park bench
or dirty floor and fuck you like a dog. Yeah, talk is for
romantics and politicians.
And my stuffed toy lobster looks back at me like I'm some kind of fuck'n weirdo.
And then we do the deed.
slightly sideways
there is this one smile that you do
where your eyes do not exactly match up
your brow furrows, your head cocks slightly sideways
your eyes look moist and pleading, your brow is frustrated
your head cocks slightly sideways, the lips tremble,
nervous jaw off-center, your head cocks slightly sideways
and you smile in some kind of tender truth of mortality
like your smile knows a terrible secret, and somehow
it is a comforting beautiful smile, irascible, lonely,
and i love your smile because it knows that true happiness
is made of all these things, that dishonest happiness
makes a fool of the heart, that diamonds cut glass because
they are hard and forged of heat and pressure. you smile like
a diamond flawlessly cut down to the truth of things--
that in the light you shine and in the darkness you burn.
your head cocks slightly sideways to catch the light.
The Stalker
I remember when we met
well, we didn't meet exactly
but I saw you at the coffee shop
and fell in love.
Every day I saw you, my love grew.
I found you on FaceBook.
With each new friend you added, I added them too.
I saw where you went, what you did, and with whom.
I think some of those friends maybe got a little bit closer
with you than I would have liked. Clearly, they were not
respecting the love we share, well, the love I have.
I remember the one friend you had that mysteriously died.
It's good that that happened.
When I saw you were leaving town, it was a remarkable coincidence
I was going to the same place at the same time. That was a long bus ride,
but I made it. You never saw me behind you at the movies, at the
sandwich shop, at the mall, across the street from your apartment.
One time when you were away, I got to look at all your pictures
and smell the clothes in your closet. I got in your bed for a minute
just to see what it was like. I left a piece of me under your bed.
Soon, we will be together, forever bound to each other in God's eternal fire.
You won't need your FaceBook friends any more, or your pictures, or your bed.
All you will need will be right in front of you, forever. I can't wait to tell you my name.