May I please have one million dollars?
(Offering this opportunity since 1985 - Accept no fakers, imitators, or substitutes!)
Finally here's your chance to give Tom Miller a significant amount of free money!

"Hello, My name is Tom Miller. As a respected performance artist, musician, painter, asshole-chef, UFO expert, writer, poet, and amateur politician, I need quite a bit of money to continue my work.
One of the most important art projects which I've been working on all my life, is to find a very rich person who's willing to give me ONE MILLION DOLLARS free and clear in exchange for absolutely nothing. I call this performance art piece, "PLEASE MAY I HAVE ONE MILLION DOLLARS?" and have been performing this online offer since 1985, when I originated the concept.
Tom, What will you do with the money?
I'm glad you asked that question. I'll use the money to live an extravagant lifestyle, complete with fancy cars, expensive living arrangements, and heavy drinking and drug use; all things very important to a great artist. I'll also use the money to get sex, make art, record music, and purchase extravagant lobster dinners.
And you mean to say that in exchange for my contribution, I get absolutely nothing?
That's right. Well, nothing from me, anyway. But for yourself, you will gain some satisfaction that you contributed to art, and you'll be rewarded ten-fold by way of karma. That's TEN MILLION DOLLARS in return, from the universe, by way of karma.
Will there be any publicity?
Oh my, yes. That's part of the art. As soon as I get the money, I'll draw up a press release and send it to major media outlets all over the country letting the public know I was given ONE MILLION DOLLARS for free. It will be bigger than Oprah's car give-away! I also will petition the Fox Network to create a reality show called, "PLEASE MAY I HAVE ONE MILLION DOLLARS", which will chronicle my art of spending your money.
If I give you a million dollars, will you pay income tax on the money you receive from me?
Absolutely not. The money you give me (even if I actually earned it) wouldn't be taxable income. Please see the following web site for more information:
Can you at least assure me that you'll actually use some of the money to make art?
I can't assure you of that, because you'd be getting something from me in the way of an assurance. In this deal, you get absolutely nothing for your ONE MILLION DOLLARS from me. But know this: It's nothing BUT art to give an artist ONE MILLION DOLLARS for nothing. I assure you of that. Can you afford NOT to take advantage of this opportunity? Do it today! Do it now! Do it for the sake of art!
Wasn't there some guy who recently asked for one-million dollars, and he actually got it?
No. That's a bald-faced lie from a charlatan. His name is Craig Rowin and he LIED to the public about receiving the money. I would not ever lie like Mr. Rowin. I will not tell the public I have the money until I cash your check and start spending it. Craig Rowin claims to be a comedian. I am a performance artist. Craig Rowin was joking. I am not joking. I published my offer in 1985 in Gainesville, Florida's Moon Magazine and on the web, and was the first to do so. I'm the "A" number-one originator of the 'one-million-dollars-in-exchange-for-nothing' offer! Accept only the authentic article, not the comedy knock-offs. When you give me one-million dollars in exchange for absolutely nothing, I guarantee it will be no joke, it will be art!
I'm convinced! How do I get the money to you?
You may contact me with your one-million-dollar offer details of how you would like to transmit the money using the form below, or you may PayPal me directly the amount of one-million dollars by clicking the Donate Button.
"Without benefactors, art is just business."
~Tom Miller