School almost over...finals...gotta' make my vampire killing kit for shop class...bought a coffee with the last dollar on my PayPal card...waiting for friend to loan me $1,000...could be a game my credit and feed my cat, maybe...hungry...was doing truth tables for logic math...found out sometimes stuff is true...been doing the play "A Christmas From Heck" at the AcrossTown Theatre...story about a dysfunctional family...I play a character named Austin, but really I'm playing's type-casting...why "dys" instead of "dis" in dysfunctional? Doesn't make any Goddamn sense...wondering if he still loves me or if it was all a gag, or maybe a misinterpretation--I mean, a 'mys'interpretation...spellchecker gags an empty coffee cup here...put it out on the FaceBook that I was accepting free coffee all day...been here all an empty coffee cup here...well will you look at that, sometimes stuff is false...