I'm helping to organize a fund-raiser for the PRIDE Community Center (They do the PRIDE Festival and Parade, provide year-round assistance including HIV testing, women’s health services and transgender and youth support groups.) That means planning events, doing publicity, wrangling 22 artists for a three month project, designing a web-site, and arranging venues, social media, and entertainment.)
I'm directing a play in New York called Sunset Village, written by Michael Bobbitt. This requires daily rehearsals, a ton of money, travel arrangements, publicity, script analysis, a deft and steady hand, and a healthy dose of grit and moxie. I also will be arranging for lighting design and personally doing the sound design. This play will also open in Gainesville and be the first play of the new season for the Acrosstown Repertory Theatre.
I work four days a week in the afternoons at an exclusive bartending gig at Maude's Side Car Bar in the Known Center of the Universe.
I've just completed a new play called, Audience.
A nice story just came out about me in the Gainesville Home Magazine.
After months of work including a portfolio, writing examples, emails, phone calls, personal interviews, I've been accepted to Maharishi University Management in Iowa for an accredited Master's program: The David Lynch Graduate School of Cinematic Arts MFA Program in Screenwriting. I start in August after the NYC play.
I continue to maintain and expand the Reinhard Palovcik FREDInk Archives, which is a web page featuring hundreds of links to restored and Preserved Gainesville Art, Music, Photography, Poetry, Video, and other Media.
I digitally restored and mastered eight full albums of music, four films from VHS, and three singles from cassette. That was just last month.
I don't really have any money and most people say, "Tom, you need to quit being so lazy and do something."
So I got off the couch and posted this Fundrazr. It's been running 123 days as of this posting and so far I've raised a total of $10. By the way, that $10 was my own donation.
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