no! you stupid girl
don't go off on your own
crap, she's dead
jenny is going to look for her
i'll go with you
no brad, you stay here and keep an eye out
i have a knife, don't worry
brad waits. no, you stupid dude!
oh shit. he's stabbed
and beheaded
jenny goes into the darkness
no jenny, he's right there in the rafters
she finds the first girl mutilated
the monster pops out
she screams we scream
ahhhh, shit!
she drops the knife.
he's right behind you
oh shit, she tripped
she's up again, the monster
is gaining on her
she just makes it
to the car
killer's beating on it
with his fists
her hand shakes
she can't get the key in
oh, thank god, she's got it in
shit! car won't start.
can you believe it?
oh my god!
killer jammed his claw through the roof
she's screaming we're screaming
killer's screaming
car starts! thank the Christ,
the car starts!
she guns it
killer goes flying off the back
or so we thought
oh shit!
he's there in the back seat.
how'd he do that?
long story short
she survives
and the killer is completely dead
oh shit!
killer is alive again
he grabs her and screams
we scream she screams
she dies.
same thing happens in
Camp Monster from Hell II, III, IV, V, VI,
and the reboot franchise, Camp Monster 3D I, II, III, IV,
after V, it started to feel gimmicky...