when i awaken
i see nothing but festering maggots
the light is green
why aren't the cars going
green means go
fucking maggots
'hey man,
can i ask you a question?'
get to the point, asshole, you want money!
don't give me the story, man
everybody has the same story
one day, a man will just take what he wants
i'd prefer it straight like that
not maggoty. not maggot-like.
for god's sake, stand up and be somebody
don't be a maggot
i am forever in line behind maggots
a festering line that does not move
lines are supposed to move, not stand there
fucking maggots everywhere
'do you have twenty-three cents?'
no maggot, i have only dollar bills
sorry to disappoint you, maggot
'i am mute. do you have a cigarette?
give me a cigarette because i am mute.'
you're not mute, I hear you talking
you're speaking maggot
everything is rotting
from teeth to skin and then
there is gravity
we are, all of us, going down
into the dirt of the Earth
and an old tale is told
of a soul that will float off to
the land of milk and honey
or the kingdom of fire
maggots wrote that story
the truth is this: you go out of hell and
out of the land of milk and honey
to maggot land!
that's where you go!
you go straight to maggot land!
the light is green
the cars do not move, nor do the lines
and a man approaches
he beats your skull in
with a brick and takes from you
twenty-three cents and a cigarette
he festers away to a garbage can house
you call after him, 'thank you. finally. thank you."
he does not reply because
he is mute.